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Nelson's World of Sustainable Arts

ELLEN BROOK - The Dominion Post | Tuesday, 11 November 2008
nelson wow sustainable arts
ROBERT KITCHIN/The Dominion Post

HOME AND AWAY: Nelson artist Anna Leary and Phillip Thomas in a Wellington Airport artists' studio, built to show off Nelson Arts. The Ring in the foreground is a full size replica of the big Jens Hansen One Ring used in the Lord of the Ring's movies.

Nelson has its fingers in a lot of pies. It wants to be the sustainable city, the solar city, the heritage city and the arts city, says the mayor.


The area is becoming known for its woodworking, as well as ceramics and jewellery, including the studio of Jens Hansen jewellers, which helped put Nelson on the map as the place where a certain gold ring that featured in a certain movie was made.

Yes, I know you thought it was forged in the mines of Mordor, but it was actually in a little workshop just by the cathedral.


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